How we can help you:
- Certified Permaculture design – a holistic perspective for your landscape
- One-on-One Edible, Medicinal, Local and Natural garden/site consultations
- Educational seminars (see “Education” page)
- Soil building strategies
- Food Forest planning, design, implementation
- Rainwater system design and installation
- Compost system advice, design, sales & education
- Compost and Mulch delivery (1 yard)
- Eco-friendly, up-cycled, pesticide-free, zero-waste inspirations
- Plant guidance for drought tolerance and land stewardship
- Project Management
- Grant-writing assistance for non-profit projects
- Money-saving tips
- Organic Straw Bale sales

Permaculture is a different way of looking at gardens, landscapes and ecosystems. This method takes into account our footprint on the planet, giving back to nature, inviting pollinators and offering a safe space to nourish us all.
We work to encourage regeneration, wise and respectful use of resources as well as lifelong education. Finding your own personal connection to the land will offer endless inspiration and joy, not to mention feeding your body and soul with healthy, local and carefully selected plants. Whenever possible and appropriate, we prioritize non-motorized, eco-friendly, gentle and thoughtful solutions for your outdoor space. We always take health and well-being into considering and rather than just rows of beds, we’ll help you create a beautiful and abundant landscape.
Whether it’s a backyard or a community project, Lekker Land Design helps build local resilience through food security strategies, community building, education and sharing our passion for the natural world.